The Roots of Lisp

 Welcome again to my blog! Thank you for reading me once again, and I'm sorry for my bad sentence creation that has been a common thing in these blogs, I'm really trying my best and I hope one day I can write full essays with ideas that can be understood easily.  Today is time to talk about the roots of one of the most consistent programming models of our time, LISP or "List processing". We will try to understand the discovery of McCarthy (the founder of LISP), and where are programming languages heading, so stay put.

One of the fundamental parts of LISP are expressions, that can be either an atom (sequence of letters) or a list of zero or more expressions (a b (c) d). These expressions can also return values, if is a list the first element is the operator and the second the argument, and from this we get quote,  which in my opinion is something that you don't see in C like programming languages, but it makes all the scenes of the word, (quote x) returns x. By quoting a list you are protecting it from evaluating and its needed because one of the most distinctive features of LISP: code and data are made of the same data structure, and the quote operator is how we distinguish them, amazing. 

From this truth is how all LISP is made, creating different expressions that interact with each other in different ways.  Then we define functions and because the elegant notation, writing functions that call themselves (recursion) is easy and in most of the time, the way to go. 

And so? Well the important thing about this is using only seven primitive function we can define a function that acts as an interpreter for the hole language, crazy.

Modern programming languages are using both programming models for improving sin taxis and performance, yes, we are mostly using C syntax, but we are using a lot of Lisps programming functions. 


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