On Pair Programming
Hello everyone, sadly, this is the last blog for a while. To anyone readying this, thank you for keeping up with this badly written blogs. Today, we are going to talk about pair programming, this working framework that is widely used in the software industry. Some benefits include: Knowledge sharing, reflection, code review "on-the-go", focus, collective code ownership, team flow and most important, quality. So everything is good, right? Pair programming should be used always to improve software quality. Well, yes, but actually, no. It has also some challenges that most times are left apart, and personally, I didn't bother to think of them. I'm only going to talk about the ones that I found most relevant, you can check the whole reading here . Exhaustion, pairing can turn your own times upside down, maybe you like to take breaks every hour or so, but your partner prefers to finish the work first and then take a rest. So we have a problem. You and your partn...